Monday, September 3, 2012

Practice makes perfect

When I dusted off the old bow this year I had a little follower as always. Jaryn was shooting a bow that she's had since she was 5 years old, so we loaded up and went to D&L Archery and picked her out a new Hoyt Ruckus. (I traded my PSE in on a newer it worked out for both of us!)  The boys at the bow shop gave her a small  rinehart target to shoot at for free. When we got home we started to sight the bow in and right off the bat she wanted to shoot at the small block target. So I set it up and got the V cam out. After 5 tries she hit it dead on!!! Not bad for just gettin started with her new bow. Man, that is a sweet bow for kids.  It is able to grow and change with her. Can't wait to see her kill her first deer with it! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August UPDATE!!!

Well, it's certainly been a while since anyone has posted on the blog. Things have been a little crazy for the BareBones crew. Many of us have been on vacations, or deeply involved in our kids sports. Brian and I were spending a lot of time at the hospital as our Mom had a valve replaced in her heart. It was a tough time for all of us. Her recovery has been long, but she is finally home and improving. I figure God had more plans for her here on Earth. She certainly is an angel sent from heaven. The best Mom anyone could ask for, that's for sure. I thank God for taking care of her.

We have all been so busy that our editing has suffered this year. We have a huge amount of turkey footage from the past 2 seasons that we need to edit, and we have our deer footage from last year that we need to edit. We are tossing around the idea of putting out one video a year that would include both our deer video and our turkey video. This would make the editing deadlines more attainable, and it would allow us to produce higher quality video's. This is just an idea at this point, as we are still discussing this.

Regardless, there are a lot of things coming together for all of us that will free up more time to devote to our baby, which is BareBones Outdoors. We are currently working on our turkey and deer videos, and I'm telling you, this is gonna be one awesome video! Kent has been making steady improvements to the website, and doing some editing. Brian has been writing and producing more soundtracks for our upcoming video's, and editing. Dave and I have been editing and filming a lot of off season stuff, so we are all certainly busy! Our plans are to start really pushing BareBones Outdoors to the public. We're going to be renting spaces at wildlife expo's, and getting our video's out there for more of the public to see. If you like our video's, tell a friend. We certainly appreciate everyone's support.

Anyway, this is just a quick update of everything that's been going on. We hope BareBones Outdoors will become a household name soon!

Everyone take care, and remember that deer season  is only 34 days away!


Monday, June 4, 2012

Dedicated Turkey season

Well the turkey's got the best of me this year.  This year i was going to be dedicated to hunt turkey's with my bow and not pull the gun out of the safe.  I did just exactly that and I struck out.  There were several times I was tempted but I resisted.  I had a awesome time trying to get a long beard in range but could not close the deal.  Opening day of turkey season Kent and my self set u before daylight and stayed on the edge of a field where I had been seeing turkey's for a week straight. The turkey's were showing up from noon until dark in this field.  Around 3pm we had a hen come walking through with a tom just out of bow range and over a little rise, just would not present itself o my side of the rise.  Tukey's1 Mack 0.  Set up on that field 3 more times with any luck.  Decided to take a day off from work and head to Owen County where Jackson killed his bird youth weekend and give it a try but the birds hung up at 80 yards and would not come any closer.  I had a great time and logged about 30 hours in the blind trying to get one with my bow.  I guess you can say the dumb ole turkey out smarted this Tennessee boy. So I guess a Tennessee boy is not smarter than a turkey this year.  I'm either really dedicated or real stupid for not switching from by bow to my gun.  All I an say is wait until this fall or next spring.  I think I will stick wit my bow until I get one.  I challenge all the BAREBONES crew and staff to do the same thing.  Let's make a video of just bow kills except for the kids hunts.  Shoot straight and have fun. Now it's time to start tournament shooting and getting ready for deer season.  


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another Turkey season in the books!

Well, here we are again, officially putting a stamp on the 2012 Indiana turkey season. We all had an unbelieveable season. I couldn't be more thankful for the time I get to spend in pursuit of wild turkeys. It's my favorite time of the year. I am so grateful that I get to share my passion for the outdoors with my 2 boys. They both got turkeys this year, and that was my goal. I am also grateful that I get to spend time chasing turkeys with my brother, my buddy Dave, and all of the other people we take each year. We always have a lot more fun then should be allowed!

It was great for me to see all of the people taking their kids this year. It seems that every year more people I know are getting their kids into this great sport of hunting. I am so glad to see that. The future of hunting depends on it!

Things will be getting busy for me as I try to finish up my college degree this year. I've got boys in baseball, school, work, and a "honey-do" list a mile long, so I will be busy for quite some time. (Gotta fill the time between seasons)!

It's been a great season, and I hate that it's over already. It seems like yesterday that Kurtis and I were set-up on opening morning of the youth hunt, watching a big old tom slowly make his way to the decoys. That's what it's all about, making lasting memories with your family and friends.

Congratulations to everyone that was successful this year. For those that didn't bag a bird this year, remember that the great memories made in the field don't always have to end with the tagging of a bird. .........and, there's always next year!

God willing, I'll be out there next year trying to outsmart some of them wiley old longbeards.
............So, I say goodbye to another turkey season. Thank you God for watching over all of us and keeping us safe. Thank you for allowing us to spend this time together doing what we love....................... and thank you for Wild Turkeys. The world just wouldn't be the same without them.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Nick Snider's First Turkey!!

 First I would like to thank Kent Gingerich and Brian Huber for taking me on an awesome hunt. We started off the morning working on what ended up being 2 birds from a spot that Brian had been hearing them. After getting set up in what looked like a perfect spot, Brian got the toms hammering back at his calls for what seemed like an eternity. They just wouldn't break and come in to us. So we tried moving downhill to where we thought we were hearing them in better hopes to call them in. After working these birds for a few hours it was pretty certain they weren't going to cooperate so Brian and Kent suggest we try another spot where they have heard birds. On our way to that spot we hit a stroke of luck when 2 long beards race across the road in front of us. After a very short discussion, and what Brian called "MRI" (most recent information) we decide to back up about a quarter mile and head in after them. We get in the woods about 20 yards and Brian lets out a yelp and the toms hammer right back. We get set up once again to try and fool these old birds into our set. After about 20 minutes it was apparent these birds didn't want to cooperate either, so Brian suggests we try and move on them. We ease our way through the woods about 60 more yards before settling in again to work these birds. They just wouldn't budge!! Brian and Kent talk it over and decide it's all or nothing and we creep to within 35 yards of these toms!! When we got into our final setup I was shaking like a leaf. It sounded like the birds were within 5 yards of us!! After some brilliant "hen talk" from Brian these toms finally come within 5 yards of our decoy in full strut!! I could barely shoulder my gun to get a bead on them because of how excited I was. It seemed like hours before I could get that perfect kill shot I was waiting on. Whenever I pulled the trigger all I seen was feathers fly and Brian said you got him!! It was my first turkey and definitely one I will never forget!! Thanks again guys for an awesome hunt!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

5TH Day of Hammerhead Season

If you count youth season it would be my 7TH day of guiding and killing hammerheads on video.  Now it was my turn to pack the gun instead of packing the camera.  Some good friends and I were camping and when we set up the hunting parties for the day, Brian was going to be my guide and camera man.  So we went back to a spot where I had heard turkeys the day before and sure enough we started the morning off with 3 toms hammering.  When we went to make our move, Brian pointed at this mountain of a hill and said we're going to the top. We set up about three quarters of the way up in some open woods. It wasn't long before we had a big O strutter on his way to the hen decoy just 20 yards from me. That dude came in to 24 yards in full strut most of the way and when me and the camera man got on the same page, I let him have it!  It sure is fun to be guided and filmed but its also fun to set back and do nothing but squeeze the trigger!! Thanks again Brian for calling and filming. My hunt was one I won't forget!   

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2nd chance longbeard

  I wanna start this blog by thanking all the landowners who let us hunt their farms. The farms are awesome!! Ok, let me start off by saying that I will never make fun of anybody for missing a turkey because it happened to me this year!! It's almost as bad as making a bad shot on a deer with a bow. I was sick and very upset with myself  ( just ask Glenn, he will tell ya). 2nd morning of the season found Glenn and myself in the blind on the edge of a field. We had a little cut to our left that I'd seen birds in numerous times coming home from work. I called 10-12 times throughout the morning with no answers. Finally at 8:00 I turned and looked in the cut and saw a longbeard standing at the edge of the field. He gobbled 2 times and headed to the woods behind us. I opened the back window and here he came, perfect shot!!!WRONG! Didn't see a tree about as big as a shovel handle, blew it all over the woods. That's all i got to say about that hunt. April 29 found Glenn and myself back to where he hunted opening day. Remember the 2 birds he talked about, gobble and strut and going the other way with not a hen in sight. (never understood what there thinking) Ok, Glenn suggested we put the blind up out of the field and in the woods along the fence in the same spot where had seen these birds feeding many times in the past. I was all for it, they really wasn't responding to any calls on opening day. We got in the blind with plenty time until daylight. Had 2 toms gobbling very little on the roost so i decided not to call but just a couple times and he answered  l time so i just shut up for awhile. In the meantime we had 4 hens working their way towards us so we thought he would be right behind them. This bird had other plans. I'm with Glenn, I think he was still on the roost. He gobbled maybe 3 more times on his own but was headed right towards us!!! Finally we saw him at the same time at 15 yards. A few soft yelps to get his head up and it was a done deal. 25 lbs, 11 inch beard, 29mm spurs. Congrats to all the BAREBONES crew on their birds. It's been a great season so far. God bless to all.

Brian Eagans Slob Knobbler

 Story told by Crew member Brian Eagan:

I roosted this bird on top of a ridge on Crane base the night before opening day.  When I got back to the lodge we were staying at on Base I told Brian (Hubie) Huber where I located the bird, he was familiar with this area and told us that the in recent years the birds liked to travel down a certain finger off of this ridge.  I took his advice the next morning and took a chance on worked like a charm!!! The bird hit the ground coming my way, closing fast when all of a sudden a hen started cutting back & it seemed like eternity went by of nothing but silence, either the hen dragged him off the other direction or he would be here anytime!!  A couple of more sweet yelps and he FIRED his gobble directly in front of me within 30 yards in sight...I was ready to pull the trigger but I had no shot due to trees in the way...this went on 3-4 times...the bird ended up at 9-10 yards before I had a good clear shot, then I pulled the trigger!!  The hen was within 5-7 yards directly in front of me!! One of the best hunts I have ever been on!!  Thanks to God.  And to Hubie for getting me started on turkey hunting!!  It don't getting any better than this, life is good!!

Big Fat Gobbler

 The day started off to be one of those windy mornings that drives you crazy as a turkey hunter. It’s so hard to hear birds and for the birds to hear you when it’s so windy. But I gave it a try anyway. A bunch of us guys were staying at a bunkhouse on the lake and making a weekend out of chasing birds. Drake, my 10 year old, was done but was following along with me just to watch. He really loves to turkey hunt and is getting better on his calling by the day. After not hearing anything early I decided to go to where I had roosted one the night before. Well, we heard him but after a few gobbles and hearing a hen in is direction he went quite. I waited for a while but he didn’t show. So it was about 11:00 and we hadn’t heard any more birds when finally we got one located. When we heard this one he was gobbling on his own. We formulated a plan and in less than 15 minutes Drake and I were set up and the big boy was on his way in. This one came in just like their supposed to. It was an awesome site to see this big gobbler strutting and gobbling in the Indiana hardwoods. When he was around 30 yards and wide open I squeezed the trigger and the 2 ounce load of #4s leveled him. Drake and I were fired up! Another great hunt. This one wasn’t on video because it started raining as we were leaving the truck to go after him. But that’s ok, we have plenty on video this year. Some of them with some really great footage. The rest of the guys have really stepped it up this year and our video should be the best one yet. Thanks to God for another great day in the spring turkey woods.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Austin's turn!

Austin and I have been hunting hard. After his miss on opening day of the youth hunt, I was determined to help my youngest boy get a bird. In just a few days of hunting, we logged many hours in the field. I went with Dave on Sunday morning, (April 29th), and filmed him shooting his bird. By 9:30, I was back home waking Austin up to go hunting. We went to a picked corn field on a farm we've hunted for years. We saw some birds in the field and tried to setup on them, but it wasn't happening. After sitting a while, a big tom stepped out of the woods at 100 yards, took one look at the decoys, and fed the other way! I thought to myself, I must have some really ugly decoys! The bird was not interested in the least. After the tom fed over a hill, we decided to try to stalk him. We got within 70 yards, and he finally spooked. This hunt was over.

We then decided to go to Daves Uncle TJ's and hunt. Nobody has hunted there this year. After running off a beagle that was running a rabbit, I decided to setup in a little island of woods in the middle of a hay field. We had the blind tucked under a cedar tree and we were completely hidden. We sat, and sat, and sat. From about 12:00 to 4:30 there was no action. We finally heard one gobble way off in the distance. I called as loud as I could. After a few minutes he gobbled again, and he was definitely closer. I called again, and nothing. We waited for a while again, and suddenly 80 yards from the blind, he gobbled and literally scared the crap out of us! Austin got ready, the camera was rolling, and here he came. To our surprise, there were 2 of them, both longbeards. Austin took aim, and I gave a little cluck to get them to seperate, and BOOM, the big boy went down. The shot was 15 yards and they never knew we were there. The video footage is awesome! Austin more than made up for his miss. The bird was 21 lbs, had a 10-1/2" beard, and 25 mm spurs. 2 birds shot on film in one day, how awesome is that! I'm going for the cameraman of the year award! Ha ha

 I can't thank God enough for allowing me to spend time chasing these turkeys with my boys, and my friends. Austin and I had a great time hunting together like we always do. These memories will last a lifetime. God is Awesome!

I would also like to thank Daves Uncle TJ for allowing us to hunt his beautiful piece of property. We love them landowners!!! I guess I better thank Dave too for calling his uncle and getting us permission to hunt there. (Austin and I really do appreciate the fact that we were allowed to hunt here). Dave said he had seen turkeys here many times before, and he was right!

It's been a great season, and it's only the first weekend! I'm running out of people to take!

Good luck to all!

Opening day MADNESS!!

Well, I'm a little late posting this. I've been hunting every day from dusk to dawn, but I finally found a little time. First day of the Indiana season and I was up to bat. Dave and I went to a farm we recently got permission to hunt. It's a huge cow pasture, and we've seen plenty of birds there. We setup and had 2 gobbling behind us. It didn't take long and they flew into the field. I thought, this is gonna be over really quick. Well, those 2 birds decided to follow their own script. They would gobble at everything, but they didn't want to come to the decoys. After messing with these birds for hours, they finally left the field. We decided to pack up and try the little food plot we put on my Dads property. We arrived at about 12:30. I decided to pop up the blind and wait by the edge of the food plot. While I was putting up the blind, I heard 1 gobble way off in the distance. I finished putting up the blind and putting out the decoys, and then cut loose with the calling. He gobbled hard and was soon on his way. It didn't take him long to close the distance. The bird was really wary and didn't want to step into the food plot. After a tense 10 minutes of watching the bird in the woods, I finally took aim with my old trusty Mossberg 835, and the 3-1/2 number 4's did the rest. A 15 yard shot on another Indiana longbeard. Dave was on the camera. Not an easy hunt to film. Dave did the best he could under the circumstances. He's got an 11" beard, weighed 22 lbs, and had 28 mm spurs.
Thanks yet again to God for a great day in the turkey woods. Glad to have Dave along running the camera. It's been a great season so far!

Good luck to everyone!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 27

Day 3 of Indiana Hammerhead season. Steve Summers and I picked up a new place to hunt last night, being that he lost some hunting land the opening day of season. So we're going in blind. We get the truck parked ahead across the field in the dark and wait in the tree line for the sun to rise. The morning was a little slow to wake up, but when it did we could here 4 birds from where we were standing. So we make a move down the field and find a grass lane cutting thru the woods towards the sound of a big ol' long beard. About 50 yards in the woods on this lane we stop and set up and just wait. After a few minutes and a couple calls he was on the ground and headed our way. Now at the end of this lane was another field but it didn't take him long to get across it and up the lane right to us . Steve made a 24 yard shot and dropped him in his tracks. I had to hold him off so I could get him on video and it's AWESOME!!!!  Thanks for letting me tag along and catch it all on video!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Evan Judy score's his first Hammerhead

Evan and I entered ourselves in a biggest Tom contest that the Odon Christian Church puts on for youth season only. Around 100 kids joined the fun of chasing those hammerheads around the woods.  Thanks to all the land owners who allowed us and all the other kids to chase turkeys on their property.  Evan came in 12th out of 22 birds that were killed on youth weekend.  Evan put in the time and scouted this turkey a week before season, so it made it obvious where to set up the blind. When day break came, we could hear the bird roosted behind us just as he had done in the past week.  As he flew down into the field we made a few calls and he was on his way.  He spotted the decoy as he came around the fence and he went to full strut and at 22 yards Evan had laid down his 1st turkey.  Congratulations Evan on a job well done!!!  Oh...and we got some good video!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Opening of Youth Turkey, Indiana, A Day to Remember

 What a great day we had here in southern Indiana on the opening weekend of the youth turkey season !! Five out of the six pictured below are on video!! We had fathers and sons, fathers and daughters, we even had a father and son with papaw along on his first turkey hunt....awesome stuff! I believe several combination of factors determined the success. First of all good weather, secondly the fact that we've had an early spring so most of the hens are on nests, and thirdly everyone had scouted their area and had a good game plan. Congratulations to everyone involved in these hunts. There is nothing like turkey hunting, and to get to share these memories with family and friends is a true blessing. I think I speak for all of us dads on the barebones crew when I say our favorite hunts are those with our children. Thanks to all the land owners, thanks to the cameraman, thanks to these young hunters for letting us old men tag along, and  thanks to God for all things....especially for wild turkeys.

Kurt got 'r done in Indiana!

Well, we FINALLY got to get out in the turkey woods! It seemed like it took forever for the season to get here! My oldest boy Kurt would be up first. He didn't get one last year because of baseball, but this year he had youth weekend off, and we were gonna hit it hard! We decided to go to a piece of property my Dad owns in Crawford county. Dave and I spent some time, (and money), putting in a clover food plot on this property. My thought was, because there was a chance for rain, we would hunt out of a blind in the morning next to the food plot, and just see what happened. Kurt was really tired and was nodding off quite a bit. We could hear some gobbling way off in the distance, but nothing close. I would call about every 20 minutes or so, but still nothing close. Suddenly, all the way across the food plot, a big strutter stepped out into the open. As soon as he saw my three decoys, he puffed up and put on a show. He never gobbled, just came in silent. He slowly made his way across the food plot, and at about 35 yards, Kurt filled his neck and head with a load of number 4's! I was able to get it all on film. Awesome footage. This one will look great on the video. I'm so proud of my boy. He's a great kid and I thank God for allowing us to spend this time together. I am certainly blessed!

Now later that afternoon, I took my youngest boy Austin. Dave was the cameraman and I was the guide. We sat for quite a while, and after one calling sequence we heard one gobble way off in the distance. Well, I threw every call I could think of at this bird. (I even made some sounds that some turkeys have probably never heard)! We could tell after a while that the tom was closing the distance. He was gobbling a lot and seemed pretty hot. He made his way next to our blind at 20 yards! He strutted right past us focused on the decoys in front of our blind. Austin took aim, and missed him completely at 25 yards! He tried another shot as it was running off and missed again! I couldn't believe it. Austin has taken many turkeys, but this was the easiest shot he has ever had. I think he caught a little of that turkey fever! He was upset, but I told him not to worry about it, there would be other days. We tried to review the footage, but it was so blurry, we couldn't really make out what happened. That's the BareBones crew, we got one guy that forgets to hit the red button, and another guy that forgets to focus the camera! Ha ha. Good thing Austin didn't kill that bird. Oh well, there will be other days.

Congrats to all the kids, it was a great weekend. Now it's the Daddy's turn!

Good luck to everyone. Remember to shoot straight, focus the camera, and hit the little red button!

Katlyn Takes a Big Indiana Gobbler!!

 Story told by crew member, Brian Eagan:

 I asked my boy who is 15 years old if he wanted to go the first day of youth season and he said that he already had commitments that weekend with his mom.  I was in awe that he would turn down the first weekend, and I did not know who I was going to take.  I asked my 14 year old daughter, Katlyn, who has been in the past at 9 years old. When she killed one then she commented that she was afraid of the gun kicking.....I told her she needs to face her fears and decided to try shooting the gun again.  After shooting the gun, she looked at me and smiled and said 'let's go turkey hunting'!!  As we was sitting in the car waiting for day light that morning, I asked her if she wanted to say a prayer, so we did, ask and you shall receive!!  The first birds I called in for her were 3 long beards at around 8:30 am. The first one came in for 'I thought a total neck/head shot' and I told her to take him.  After the shot went off, she said the only part she could see was the head....I told her that next time I would let her decide when to shoot.  I asked her if she wanted to go home or keep at it, she looked at me and said 'I want a bird!!'  That's what I wanted to hear!  At 1:00 pm we got on another bird and she put the smack down on this long beard at a 10 yard shot.....I probably would have taken him if I was the shooter at 35-40yard out......but, I told her earlier that she could decide when to shoot.  Proud of her for sticking it out!!  The Lord blessed my little girl today!  God is awesome!!!

Drake Gets It Done In Indiana!!

 Drake drops his 2nd bird of the season!! He shot one two weeks ago in Ky on the first day of their youth season and on the first day of Indiana's youth season at 0730 he knocks down a big strutter at 32 yards in the hardwood hills. This bird flew the wrong way off roost and strutted and gobbled for a while before he made his move to come to the calls. He surprised us and made a half circle around us, coming up to a logging road to our left. Drake made a quick move to adjust and when ol tom showed up and came out of strut, Drake squeezed the trigger on the 12 gauge, 3 1/2", and his 2nd gobbler of the season was down!  His bird was 22 lbs and had 32mm spurs. I was lucky enough to get it on film too! I actually pressed the red button! Drake has turned in to a pretty good hunter. He is only 10 but has six years of turkey hunting experience and this year I can tell he knows what he is doing out in the woods. I'm proud of his hunting abilities and who he is. I'm lucky to be his dad. Thanks to God for another great day in the turkey woods.

Jackson's Owen County Bird

It was a real challenge getting Jackson up Saturday morning.  I set my alarm for 4:00am and Jackson set his for 4:15am and when I went down to start loading the truck he was still asleep at 4:39am. He knew we were leaving at 5:00am to go to John Hunter's farm in Spencer.  The farm we were hunting was on the edge of the east fork of the White  river bordering McCormick's Creek state park.  We had 2 fields to choose from.  Myself and his papaw scouted the field 2 times prior to going over on opening youth weekend. We had aerial photos of the property and after talking to Brian Huber about the way the fields set and we had a game plan.  In between the 2 fields the was a levee and we decided to set the ground blind up on the levee and give it a try.  Once we got everything loaded in the truck we headed over and Jackson started complaining about being hungry so we had to make a stop at McDonalds so he would quit whining.  We finally made to the farm and starting walking to the field about 6:15am and made it to the levee and had everything set up at 6:30am.  The birds started gobbling around 6:45am.  This was the first time Jackson had ever heard wild birds in their environment. Sometime around 7:00am I was noticing something off in the distance and zoomed the camera and could see 2 toms in the field. About 15 minutes later we noticed 2 hens in between us and the toms making there way towards the toms.  I was beginning to think I set us up in the wrong place because nothing was heading our way.  We just kept waiting and watching.  Finally after about 20 minutes I saw one of the hens heading our way and I told Jackson not to move.  The hen came in around the decoys and started to feed around and hang out.  The toms still were in the other end of the field about 200yards away not paying any attention to us or the hens.  The hen right in front of us paced back and forth for about 15 minutes starring right in the blind at times for what seemed like an eternity. While Jackson and his papaw was watching the hen I noticed the toms were making there way closer to us.  some where along the way the toms picked up 2 jakes.  The jakes made there way in first and the toms were not happy and came running in to chase the jakes off.  Once they made it to the decoys they started strutting.  The toms were close together and I told Jackson to wait until they separated.  Once they split I told Jackson that I make a soft call and which ever tom stuck his neck out shoot.  I no more made the call and Jackson shot.  The tom dropped on the spot.   Jackson's papaw took off trying to get out of the blind and just about fell down.  When he made it the bird he grabbed it held it down.  This was papaw;s first time going turkey hunting.. I hope I can get him hooked and get him interested in turkey hunting.  Jackson's official weight was 19 lbs 4ozs had a 10 inch beard and 30 mm spurs. I would really like to thank John for the use of the farm. We are guessing that the bird was at least a 3 year old.  Now it is my turn to hunt and I'm going to try to bow hunt a bird.  Good luck to everyone this coming season.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hannah's first longbeard!!!!!!!

  Let me start out by thanking the land owner that lets Hannah hunt his farm.This place is full of turkeys!!It's one of those places that you dream of owning yourself.The alarm kicked off at 5:00 for Hannah and myself and we were on our way.After a stop at McDonald's we were on our way to Washington county.It was a short walk to the blind but it took awhile before the birds started sounding off.Birds were gobbling all around us but there was one right behind us that seemed more interested than the others.He gobbled 3 times on the roost and once he hit the ground he gobbled 1 time and was already within 50 yards.After we finally seen him to our right,it took him forever to come to the decoys.First off the decoys we were using are the inflatable ones.What happen next was amazing.This ol longbeard come in at 20 steps,struttin the whole way and mounted the decoy and started his thing and popped the decoy!!!!Finally i told Hannah to hold steady on his neck and squeeze that trigger.She smoked him and her first longbeard was in the books.We got it all on film and needless to say i was once again a proud papa.This was her second bird.She killed a jake last year in KY.Her bird weighed 20lbs,10 inch beard,and had 32mm spurs.Yesterday the barebones crew knocked down 3 longbeards, it was a awesome day.Congrats to Kurt.and Drake on their kills yesterday.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Indiana Youth Turkey Season

Well, the season is finally here. This Saturday, (April 21st), we finally get to chase turkeys around here in Indiana. Brian and Drake are on the board with their Kentucky birds, so congratulations to them. Great job guys! Now it's time for the rest of us. I'll be taking my oldest boy Kurtis first. He didn't get one last year because of his baseball schedule. He's a great baseball player and the coaches just don't like it when he's not there. He caught a break this year and there is no baseball for the youth turkey weekend! So we're hunting from sun up til sun down! I can't wait. Kurt is a great kid and I couldn't be prouder of him. This is his last year he will be able to youth hunt here in Indiana because he is 17. I can't wait to spend some quality time hunting with him. Hopefully he gets to pull the trigger on another longbeard, and hopefully 'ol Dad hits the little red button on the camera! They're calling for rain Saturday morning, so we may be in a pop-up blind to start things out. Either way, it will be a great weekend because I get to spend it with my son. My plan is to take my youngest boy Austin during the regular season, and hopefully he gets one too. I really can't wait!

The season here may be a little weird this year. Everything is way ahead of schedule. We've had way above average temperatures since the beginning of March. All of the trees are completely leafed out, and I believe that many of the hens are already nesting. There may be poults running around when the season starts! I have never seen a year quite like this one. Were gonna hunt regardless of the conditions though. It's almost like we've missed the season and it hasn't even started yet!

My goal is to go hunting every day that I can. I've got a few days off from work, and I can hunt after work. Dave and I will be hunting and filming like always, and we believe we have some good places to hunt. Dave will be taking his daughter Hannah on the youth hunt and he will have a camera too. Some of us still film our hunts there big brother! Ha ha

Anyway, I'm sitting here getting antsy. I'm ready to be in the woods chasing them longbeards! Turkey hunting is certainly in my blood. I live for this time of year. God has blessed me with a great family, great friends, and good health. I never take for granted the time I get to spend in the turkey woods. Good luck to the BareBones crew. Stay safe out there fella's. .........and good luck to everyone else.

Remember, ........shoot straight, and let 'er eat!

Monday, April 16, 2012

2nd Kentucky Gobbler Goes Down!

 Ok, here was the plan..... Glenn and Austin were going to go with Drake and I back down to Kentucky for the opening of their regular turkey season. The boys would be the shooters with the old dads running cameras and calling. Well Glenn and Austin couldn't make it, and when I told Drake that Austin wasn't coming he really didn't want to go either. He didn't want to tell me no, but I could tell he didn't want to go without the other guys. So at around 9pm that night I talked myself in to going down alone. I thought it would be a chance to get to know some more of the land down there and maybe I might get lucky and hear some birds. I pulled in to my parking spot at around 1am and settled in for a few hours of sleep. I was up and ready just before light and before long was hiking slowly down the 4-wheeler trail. I hadn't gone 200 yards when I heard a gobbler sounding off on the ridge ahead of me. There is something magical about the sound of that first distant gobble on beautiful spring morning. I have to agree with my little brother when he says "turkey hunting is in his blood", cause its in mine too! I cant imagine my life without turkey hunting. I worked my way closer as the old tom was making the world know of his presence. I was able to get in to a really good position at about 100 yards from where he was roosted. I set the lone decoy in the middle of the trail and tucked back against a tree in some cover. I gave him a few soft clucks and yelps and I was quickly cut off by a pair of gobbles. There were two birds roosted together! I went silent as they gobbled several more times. It wasn't long and a hen pitched off roost and glided from the ridge, passing me and landing somewhere behind. Perfect. About a minute later I heard the beating of wings as the gobblers left the roost. I gave them some cuts and yelps and they cut me off with loud, close gobbles. I made one more soft yelp with my voice and they answered again. When I saw their brightly colored heads they were coming around a bend in the trail, at about 40 yards, taking turns strutting. What a show. I almost forgot I had the gun in my hands as I was enjoying what I was seeing. I let them get a little closer and a when one of them came out of strut and stretched his head up high, I squeezed the trigger. And at 730am my 1st Ky bird of the season was down! Probably one of the easiest turkey hunts I have ever been on. I'll take it, cause Ive sure had my share of tough ones. Thanks to God. For everything. After I took and sent some pictures, I was on my way back to the truck when I heard another distant gobble. Great place to hunt. I spent most of the rest of the day scouting new areas and think I found some more potentially good spots. Cant wait to try them out. I bet I wont have much trouble getting someone to go next time.  ; )

Monday, April 9, 2012

Kentucky Gobblers

  What a great hunt Drake and I had in Kentucky! One of the best hunts Ive ever been on. The 7th was the first day of a two day youth turkey season in the great state of Kentucky. We decided, kind of at the last moment, to head down there to some public land that I had some success on a few years ago. We arrived as it was getting dark and was able to get one to gobble to an owl hoot pretty close to the truck. So the next morning we waited for this one to start gobbling but he never made a sound, so we started heading back deep in the woods. It wasn't very much later we heard a distant gobble, so after him we went. We were set up good and working him in when some other hunters came in a scared him off. That happened twice to us that day. Welcome to public land.We finally got one to cooperate but had to set up in a thick area. Well when this one showed himself he was inside of 10 yards!!.. and Drake smooth missed him. It was just too close for that tight choke. Drake was a little upset with himself for missing, but I tried to let him know that was a tough shot, even for an experienced hunter. We heard one more later that didn't want to work and it was about 1:00 in the afternoon when we decided to climb the ridge, more like a mountain, and start the 2 mile hike back to the truck. I thought hopefully we could hear one on the way back. We were resting on the "mountain" and I thought I would give one last call to the valley below that we had just left. Wouldn't you know it, a lonesome gobbler answered right where we had just came from about 15 minutes earlier! We waited a little bit to see if this one was worth going back down after. I looked at Drake and said "what do you think?" and he replied with a big "sigh". The tom gobbled a couple more times on his own and that was enough for back down we went. We got set up pretty good and within a few minutes we could hear him spittin n drummin as he work his way to the decoy. When he strutted out from behind a big cedar at 20 yards, Drake filled his head with # 5s! The turkey dropped like a sack of taters! Drake was fired up! He had redeemed himself for the miss from earlier. Drake stuck with me up and down hills and hollows, on a tough hunt where most men wouldn't have been able to. I am very proud of him. He learned a lot that day, not just about turkey hunting. I've learned to appreciate days like these even more as I get older. Thank God for answering our prayers. We plan on probably going back this coming weekend for the regular season to see if Drake can get his second bird of the season. Or maybe I might try to get one, either way it should be fun... and probably a little tougher. I'm tryin to talk little brother in to going with us. I bet I can make him shed a few pounds!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Starting in Kentucky!

Can you guess which two boys of bare bones crew are sitting in Kentucky right now? You guessed it ,Brian and Drake Huber! Just got a text from them and they made it down there just fine. Now youth season starts tomorrow, so Drake can get the first turkey kill for bare bones outdoors. Hope Brian pushes the little red button! He also said they roosted one at dark, so they have a good place to start! GOOD LUCK BOYS!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's almost Turkey time!!!!!

Well, the weather has been unbelievably warm. I have never seen things happen this early in the year. Turkeys strutting and gobbling everywhere. By the time the season starts, all of the breeding will be done. I don't know if that will make the hunting better or worse, but we're sure gonna find out!

Dave and I have been working hard putting out food plots and listening for birds. I say "working", but it's all fun. I just love being in the woods this time of year. I love to deer hunt, and fish, but nothing compares to turkey hunting for me. Other than spending time with my family, there is nothing I would rather do. It's in my blood, and as long as the good Lord allows, I will continue to chases them longbeards! There is really nothing that compares to me. I appreciate more and more every single moment I get to spend in the turkey woods. I have been blessed, and all I can do is continue to thank God for all he has given me.
I would also like to thank all of the landowners that allow us to pursue our passion. You are all appreciated more than you know.

I want to second what Dave has said, the people in southern Indiana and Kentucky have endured a lot from these devestating tornados. The little town of Marysville Indiana was blown off the map..............literally! The power of mother nature is unbelievable and should never be ignored. People lost their lives, and many people lost most of their possessions. We all need to pray for these folks. And a big high five goes out to all of the meteorologists in the area. They predicted this storm a day in advance, and their warnings during the storm saved many lives I'm sure. ....................Prayers are with all of these folks.

I also had a chance to take my boy Austin fishing at Patoka lake. We fished for crappie and caught about 30. He caught one that measures over 15", which is huge for us. It was a great day for Father and Son. I won't forget it, and I'm sure he won't either.

.....well, that's all for now. Turkey season is fast approaching which makes it even harder to go to work! I can't wait! Dave and I are gonna have a lot of fun hunting, and taking our kids hunting. It can't get here soon enough!

Remember, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,................pretend it's a turkey!

God Bless and shoot straight!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Turkeys everywhere!!!!!!

I wanna start this by asking everyone to pray for all the tornado victims in southern indiana.These people have had their lives turned upside down.Glenn texted me on sat saying it was totally unbelievable.The redcross is taking cash donations to help these people out.Hopefully we can all do something for them.Ok,on with the turkeys.All this warm weather has the turkeys fired up!!!!Been seeing turkeys strutting everywhere.Seems like it's starting early this year as well as the fishing.Was up at patoka yesterday with my dad to try out a boat and caught a couple 3 puonders in 10 minutes.Water around 50 degrees.Glenn and myself have been getting our food plots ready for spring planting the last couple weeks.We got high hopes with all these new plots.It's got to help in the long run.It looks like a good turkey season this year.All of the barebones crew i'm sure is fired up!!!!Good luck and god bless to all.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Indiana Deer, Turkey & Waterfowl Expo

Back to another expo, but this one was in my home state. Took the kids again and had a great time. So much to see I dont think I got to it all, boats, campers, fishin, huntin gotta love it! If you never been you need to go next year it is a must see event! Maybe the Bare Bones Outdoors Crew will be there, I know I'll be there. My little gril loved the Dock Dogs, she could'nt get enough !!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


NWTF show was awesome! The kids didn't want to leave. We got a early start and got down there before it opened, so we had time to ride the escalators, kids thought it was great! When we got in there we saw Will Primos and Herald Knight and David Hale. Kids got their autographs. Then we went to the Roost. Where the kids had the time of there lives. Tons of stuff for them to do and keep us busy for half of the day. We heard a lot of turkeys and seen a lot of cool people that were super nice. Don't know about the other to boys, but my daughter is still talking about it. She's HOOKED!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Hate it that all the team couldn't make it down to the NWTF show with us this weekend, but me and Hubie will make an appearance. Let you all know how it goes when we get back...looking forward to having a good time. Taking the kids with us this time, after all, that's what it's all about! Teaching our youth about hunting and the outdoors so they can carry on the tradition. I know Jaryn is ready to get down there and see what it's all about!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Has anybody ever seen a winter like this? It's been nuts! Enough talk about that. It's time to talk about turkeys gobbling, bass hitting suspending jerkbaits, bluegill on the beds, and fish frys. Hannah and myself cannot wait to get that longbeard at bout 30 yrds. Gonna plan some trips to guntersville if i can get Glenn and Austin to tag along. The big G is truley something to talk about. Can't wait! Glenn and myself have already been working on food plots, it's a never ending thing for us. We got high hopes for our little food plots. One more thing, hope the DNR doesn't put the turkey in the same shape the deer are in!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

C'mon Spring!!!!

Man I hate these dreary days of late January. I don't think I've seen the sun shine since November! To say I have cabin fever would be a major understatement. I can't wait until spring. I keep telling myself that it won't be long and we'll all be chasing them longbeards around the woods. I absolutely love to deer hunt, but there is nothing quite like hearing that big boss tom gobble on a cool spring morning. It gets in your blood!

We had a good deer season, but didn't get as many on film as we would have liked. Big brother Brian took a great buck with his bow on film. Just another 150 incher for him! I took a really nice 145 inch 8-pointer on film. Dave shot a good buck on public property. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get it on film. He was 1.8 miles from the truck, and thats in a straight line! He had to work for that buck. I just wish I was there to film it. I had the camera following my boys around the woods that day. Now, as for Kent, I think he was still in shock from the 170 incher he shot last year, so he didn't shoot a buck this year. He says he passed a few, but I really think he forgot to take his guide with him. (His guide is Brian by the way)!!
It was still a great season and we'll be working on the video soon.

We have started on the turkey video from last year and hopefully we'll have it done soon too.

As Brian stated in his post, you'll notice that our website has changed a lot. It's in construction now and we hope it will be much better than before. We will be updating things weekly, (sometime daily), so check back often. We would love nothing more than to interact with everybody. Please join our conversations in the Journal section of the website. Also, if you would like to contact us directly, you can send us and e-mail anytime.

Glenn's e-mail
Brian's e-mail
Dave's e-mail
Kent's e-mail

Well, that's it for now. Things are getting busy for us. Hope you all enjoy the video's and the website.

Remember, if work was fun, they would call it fishin.

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Web Site

Hi to everyone! If you've been here before then you probably notice this site has changed. If you havent been here , then we would like to wecome you. Our new web site is on line at but we are changing it daily, trying to get it the way we like it. So check back regularly to see the changes. You never know, we might scrap this one and have a totally different one tomorrow! We will be updating the "journal" more frequently, hopefully a few times a week, so check back to see what we are up to. And we welcome any comments, good or bad. Anyway, Looking forward to the NTWF convention and getting our new turkey video done soon.