Thursday, April 19, 2012

Indiana Youth Turkey Season

Well, the season is finally here. This Saturday, (April 21st), we finally get to chase turkeys around here in Indiana. Brian and Drake are on the board with their Kentucky birds, so congratulations to them. Great job guys! Now it's time for the rest of us. I'll be taking my oldest boy Kurtis first. He didn't get one last year because of his baseball schedule. He's a great baseball player and the coaches just don't like it when he's not there. He caught a break this year and there is no baseball for the youth turkey weekend! So we're hunting from sun up til sun down! I can't wait. Kurt is a great kid and I couldn't be prouder of him. This is his last year he will be able to youth hunt here in Indiana because he is 17. I can't wait to spend some quality time hunting with him. Hopefully he gets to pull the trigger on another longbeard, and hopefully 'ol Dad hits the little red button on the camera! They're calling for rain Saturday morning, so we may be in a pop-up blind to start things out. Either way, it will be a great weekend because I get to spend it with my son. My plan is to take my youngest boy Austin during the regular season, and hopefully he gets one too. I really can't wait!

The season here may be a little weird this year. Everything is way ahead of schedule. We've had way above average temperatures since the beginning of March. All of the trees are completely leafed out, and I believe that many of the hens are already nesting. There may be poults running around when the season starts! I have never seen a year quite like this one. Were gonna hunt regardless of the conditions though. It's almost like we've missed the season and it hasn't even started yet!

My goal is to go hunting every day that I can. I've got a few days off from work, and I can hunt after work. Dave and I will be hunting and filming like always, and we believe we have some good places to hunt. Dave will be taking his daughter Hannah on the youth hunt and he will have a camera too. Some of us still film our hunts there big brother! Ha ha

Anyway, I'm sitting here getting antsy. I'm ready to be in the woods chasing them longbeards! Turkey hunting is certainly in my blood. I live for this time of year. God has blessed me with a great family, great friends, and good health. I never take for granted the time I get to spend in the turkey woods. Good luck to the BareBones crew. Stay safe out there fella's. .........and good luck to everyone else.

Remember, ........shoot straight, and let 'er eat!


  1. Cant get any of you slackers to film ol Brian, much less even go with me to turkey paradise! All ya gotta do is ride along.....I drive and pay and guide...FULL service! Bunch of turkey huntin wanna be's!! Lol!! I did get Drakes on film, not the best video, not bad for the conditions. And by the way, I dont have places to hunt where I can site in a blind and watch a field, what I call a TV hunt,none, not one.

  2. I tell you what there big brother, I would trade one of the fields we get to hunt for the 64,000 acres you get to hunt anytime. Ha ha.

    .......and I know you wasn't talkin to me about the guide thing. Just in case you forgot, I AM the Master Guide. Lol!

    Go Ahead.

  3. You would be wanting to trade back after one day of not hearing any birds and walking 14 miles up and down hills....I can guarantee you that! 64,000 acres of over hunted, over logged, under managed, what used to be, a great turkey hunting area....not anymore. Sitting in a blind eatin chips, shootin the breeze, just waitin for em to show up??.....sounds like a good trade to me!! ;) And as far as the guide thing goes....I remember practically having to twist your arm to talk you in to trying turkey hunting. How easily you forget! Lol!! I had slammed several before you could even chirp like a chicken on a one handed push button idiot box!! BIG LOL!! And if we ever actually counted the number of slob noblers that have sucumb to the sound of my love chirp....I could quit and you dont have enough years to catch up! Another lol! Dont make me tell the Arkansas story! ;) are one of the best callers and turkey hunters I know...besides myself. hehe!

    1. Just like Luke passed Yoda, the same has happened here. I took what I was taught, and only improved on it! You used to be able to beat me in basketball too, but those days are long gone! Ha ha. 99% of the birds I have seen shot have come to the sweet sounds of my old trusty Diamond Cutter diaphragm. I'm not real sure what an idiot box is, might have to ask Kent. lol. We do sit in blinds when that's what the situation calls for, but I have killed, (and seen killed), turkeys in about every way imaginable. Your just gonna have to face it, just because all of the guys at Crane think you're the man, it's only because they haven't hunted with me yet!! Ha ha.

      .........If you would like, I could help you out on that 64,000 acres of prime turkey habitat!! Lol!!!

  4. ....But you would get lost and then probably cry your eyes out. And if you cried your eyes out you couldnt see, and if you couldnt see you might step in a groundhog hole,and if you stepped in a hole you might break your leg, and if you broke your leg you would be a gimp, and if you was a blind gimp I might be able to beat you at basketball, and if that happened then you would cry your eyes out and the cycle would start all over again... so you stick to your gravy field hunts where you can leave your calls in the truck, but if you want to set up brother bri on one of those gravy hunts just let me know, I'll bring the biscuits to sop up the gravy!! :) go ahead.

  5. You know what I always say, "It took Mom and Dad three times to finally get it right"! ha ha

  6. You know what I always say " Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day"!

  7. You know what I always say, "I once had some eyeglasses. I was walking down the street when suddenly the prescription ran out".

  8. You know what I always say, "I live on a one-way street that's also a dead end. I'm not sure how I got there".

  9. You know what I always say, "On the other hand, you have different fingers".

  10. You know what I always say, "Sponges grow in the ocean. That just kills me. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be if that didn't happen"?

  11. You know what I always say, "Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories".

  12. You know what I always say, "I invented the cordless extension cord".

  13. You know what I always say, "Ninety percent of the game is half mental".
