Monday, April 30, 2012

Opening day MADNESS!!

Well, I'm a little late posting this. I've been hunting every day from dusk to dawn, but I finally found a little time. First day of the Indiana season and I was up to bat. Dave and I went to a farm we recently got permission to hunt. It's a huge cow pasture, and we've seen plenty of birds there. We setup and had 2 gobbling behind us. It didn't take long and they flew into the field. I thought, this is gonna be over really quick. Well, those 2 birds decided to follow their own script. They would gobble at everything, but they didn't want to come to the decoys. After messing with these birds for hours, they finally left the field. We decided to pack up and try the little food plot we put on my Dads property. We arrived at about 12:30. I decided to pop up the blind and wait by the edge of the food plot. While I was putting up the blind, I heard 1 gobble way off in the distance. I finished putting up the blind and putting out the decoys, and then cut loose with the calling. He gobbled hard and was soon on his way. It didn't take him long to close the distance. The bird was really wary and didn't want to step into the food plot. After a tense 10 minutes of watching the bird in the woods, I finally took aim with my old trusty Mossberg 835, and the 3-1/2 number 4's did the rest. A 15 yard shot on another Indiana longbeard. Dave was on the camera. Not an easy hunt to film. Dave did the best he could under the circumstances. He's got an 11" beard, weighed 22 lbs, and had 28 mm spurs.
Thanks yet again to God for a great day in the turkey woods. Glad to have Dave along running the camera. It's been a great season so far!

Good luck to everyone!


  1. Just wondering what kind of circumstances Dave was under, or do I want to know?

  2. Could have been the same bird Austin missed earlier, might explain wariness. Good job on a tough one. Arent you guys glad I started hunting dads and made you all realize its a such a good place to hunt??

  3. Well, the circumstances were tough. Had to turn the camera on. That's circumstance number 1. Take the lens cover off the camera. Circumstance number 2. Focus the camera. Circumstance number 3. Push the little red button. Circumstance number 4. .......and so on and so forth. A whole lotta stuff to remember. ha ha

    It was a different bird. The one Austin missed had a really thin beard. This one had one of those paint brush beards.

    I think now that big brother has hunted with me, he realizes that we don't have it nearly as easy as he thought. Our places aren't great and we have to do a lot of sitting and waiting. Can't really chase them on the private land that we have to hunt.

  4. Yeah its way easier than I thought...... You actually dont have to walk more than 200 yards from the truck anywhere you hunt!!ha ha! Funny but true. Its definitely different from the way I have to hunt. More sitting and waiting, which isnt easy for sure. I think a little of both ways would be ideal. Either way its still lots of fun and I cant wait to see all the footage. Great season, and we arent done yet!

  5. Congrats on the bird. Sitting in a blind is hard. I've logged almost 19 hours in a blind and it really kills your back. Have not had a clear shot yet with my bow. I'm going to keep trying.
