Monday, April 23, 2012

Katlyn Takes a Big Indiana Gobbler!!

 Story told by crew member, Brian Eagan:

 I asked my boy who is 15 years old if he wanted to go the first day of youth season and he said that he already had commitments that weekend with his mom.  I was in awe that he would turn down the first weekend, and I did not know who I was going to take.  I asked my 14 year old daughter, Katlyn, who has been in the past at 9 years old. When she killed one then she commented that she was afraid of the gun kicking.....I told her she needs to face her fears and decided to try shooting the gun again.  After shooting the gun, she looked at me and smiled and said 'let's go turkey hunting'!!  As we was sitting in the car waiting for day light that morning, I asked her if she wanted to say a prayer, so we did, ask and you shall receive!!  The first birds I called in for her were 3 long beards at around 8:30 am. The first one came in for 'I thought a total neck/head shot' and I told her to take him.  After the shot went off, she said the only part she could see was the head....I told her that next time I would let her decide when to shoot.  I asked her if she wanted to go home or keep at it, she looked at me and said 'I want a bird!!'  That's what I wanted to hear!  At 1:00 pm we got on another bird and she put the smack down on this long beard at a 10 yard shot.....I probably would have taken him if I was the shooter at 35-40yard out......but, I told her earlier that she could decide when to shoot.  Proud of her for sticking it out!!  The Lord blessed my little girl today!  God is awesome!!!


  1. Congrats Katlyn on your longbeard, that's an awesome bird! What's even more amazing was that she killed this bird with her Dad Brian slowing her down! Ha ha. Just kidding. Great job, Dad sure looks proud!

  2. Good job girl! I heard that she shot this bird at very close range. Way to stick with it and get it done! Ol dad has turned in to a pretty darn good turkey hunter....I taught him everything he knows....just not everything I know. :)

  3. Way to go girl!!! Keep it up!
