Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Nick Snider's First Turkey!!

 First I would like to thank Kent Gingerich and Brian Huber for taking me on an awesome hunt. We started off the morning working on what ended up being 2 birds from a spot that Brian had been hearing them. After getting set up in what looked like a perfect spot, Brian got the toms hammering back at his calls for what seemed like an eternity. They just wouldn't break and come in to us. So we tried moving downhill to where we thought we were hearing them in better hopes to call them in. After working these birds for a few hours it was pretty certain they weren't going to cooperate so Brian and Kent suggest we try another spot where they have heard birds. On our way to that spot we hit a stroke of luck when 2 long beards race across the road in front of us. After a very short discussion, and what Brian called "MRI" (most recent information) we decide to back up about a quarter mile and head in after them. We get in the woods about 20 yards and Brian lets out a yelp and the toms hammer right back. We get set up once again to try and fool these old birds into our set. After about 20 minutes it was apparent these birds didn't want to cooperate either, so Brian suggests we try and move on them. We ease our way through the woods about 60 more yards before settling in again to work these birds. They just wouldn't budge!! Brian and Kent talk it over and decide it's all or nothing and we creep to within 35 yards of these toms!! When we got into our final setup I was shaking like a leaf. It sounded like the birds were within 5 yards of us!! After some brilliant "hen talk" from Brian these toms finally come within 5 yards of our decoy in full strut!! I could barely shoulder my gun to get a bead on them because of how excited I was. It seemed like hours before I could get that perfect kill shot I was waiting on. Whenever I pulled the trigger all I seen was feathers fly and Brian said you got him!! It was my first turkey and definitely one I will never forget!! Thanks again guys for an awesome hunt!!


  1. Good job on your first wild turkey! I think Nick learned a lot about how tough it can be to harvest an ol eastern in the hardwoods. Nick did a great job of not only making the shot but also sneaking that last 80 yards, quickly but quietly! Thanks for letting me take you on your first turkey.

    I think he's hooked!!

  2. Congrats Nick on a great bird! Sounds like an awesome hunt. I'm sure kent got some great video footage.

    You'll be hooked for life now Nick. Welcome to the longbeard fraternity!!

  3. I've never seen somebody so stoked! We will see him again next year I'm sure of it!
