The 330 a.m. alarm came awful early.....but I was excited to get going. I was heading south to Crawford county to hunt with my older brother Mark on his 160 acres of God's country. He manages his property well for deer and turkey and the work is paying off. He has been watching a clover food plot and the turkeys are out there everyday. So to me it was obvious.......pop up a blind on the edge and wait em out. We only heard one tom gobble at day light and he was way across a valley with some hens for company. So we waited and called every now and then. Soon we heard another gobble from a different direction, then soon another, then another! I lost count, but I'm sure there were a least 8 gobblers in the valley behind us!! It wasn't long and the 1st turkey was in the food plot. It was a jake. Not long after he left we had a longbeard strutting to the decoys, but at 70 yards he saw something he didn't like and went back in the woods behind the blind. He must have walked 10 feet from the blind behind us! Soon after that we had two more gobbling and closing in to the food plot. Between Mark on his old box call and me on the mouth calls we soon had them both strutting in to the decoys. and at 17 yards Mark leveled off and slammed his 2011 turkey! I got some really good footage. Mark was fired up and I was too! While we were taking pictures we had three more longbeards cross the food plot! What a great place he has down there. It has been a long time since Ive got to hunt with my big brother and really enjoyed the whole day. He was the one that really got me into hunting. He would take me along before I could drive and I have never forgot that. Thanks brother. His bird was 22 1/2 lbs. and had 23 mm spurs.
Man that is a good lookin bird. Sounds like a nice place and you put a lot of work in to it.Great job Mark,I'll be lookin you up next year!!!!
Congrats to big brother Mark. First one on film. Now if we can just get him to part with a little money, so he can start filming hunts with us!