Monday, May 16, 2011

End of the season

Well, this is always a sad time of year for me, the end of turkey season. Seems like the season just started, and now it's over. I have to say, we had a great season though. There sure were a lot of highlights to the season which should make for an awesome video.

As always, I have to thank God for allowing all of us to enjoy the great outdoors with our families and friends. It's just amazing to me how chasing a bird around the woods can be so enjoyable.

My brother Brian and I actually got to hunt together, which is a rare occasion for us. We didn't shoot anything, but it was one of the best days turkey hunting I had all year. We both have families and many responsibilities and the miles that we live apart prevents us from hunting together much, so to be able to spend a day hunting with my brother is a memory that will last a lifetime. Thanks big brother!

Of course, Dave survived another year hunting with me, and I'm here to tell ya, that ain't easy! We had some great hunts and laughed our rears off like we always do. We pick on each other all season just like we're brothers................which we probably are and just don't know it!

My oldest boy Kurtis didn't get one this year because of his baseball schedule. When you're the starting shortstop and the #3 batter on the team, the coach doesn't want you to miss ANY games or practices. We'll just hit it even harder next year! He's got plenty of time to hunt, but a very short window to play baseball. My youngest boy Austin got his on a pretty quick hunt in Kentucky, now all he wants to do is fish! Guess I'm ready for the fishing too!

Anyway, I could talk about all of the hunts, but you'll see them on the video.

I'm just glad I'm still healthy enough to be able to chase those turkeys with my family and friends. There is nothing quite like sitting in the woods on a cool spring day, listening to all of the birds and observing all of the trees coming to life. Then suddenly, in the distance, a lone gobble snaps you back into hunter mode, and the chase begins. I really feel sorry for those folks who don't get to experience the things I experience in the turkey woods.

God is great, and he continues to bless all of us more than we deserve.

Time to bring the bow out and put the hurtin on some carp!

.........I reluctantly say good bye to the 2011 turkey season. It's been great!


  1. Did u say BOW HUNT CARP? I'm in!!!!!!

  2. Well said lil bro.

    Hey, Im in on the carp shoot too!! Maybe we could have a lil tournament....You know the OLD huber brothers vs the young "know it alls"!!! LOL! Let me know when.
