Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Time for some fishing

As turkey season comes to end my mind always turns to the water....time to get serious at some fishin!! I too am always sad to see turkey season come to an end but also I know that I have been missing out on some good fishing while chasing those gobblers. I was definitely blessed to have another great turkey season. First to get to go along with Hannah and her Dad as she took her first turkey, then to watch my son Drake man up and take a trophy bird in tough conditions. I'm very proud of him and he is turning into a pretty darn good hunter. I cant wait for next year to take my youngest son Brax who is 6. He is a lot smaller than Drake so it will be a challenge that I am looking forward to.

I was fortunate enough to film my own hunt on my property, then the next day film big brother Mark on an incredible hunt on his land, and then two days later film an awesome early morning hunt with Kent as a big strutter put on a show. What a season!!

It was great to get to hunt with both my brothers this season and I loved it! Time spent with family and friends in God's country.....that is what its all about.

We should have a great turkey video and Kent is already busy editing the deer vid which will be done soon.

All I know is I'm ready to hit the lake!...and so are my boys. I don't really care what kind of fish we catch...or shoot!!

Keep the sun at your back, the wind in your face, and God in your heart.

Monday, May 16, 2011

End of the season

Well, this is always a sad time of year for me, the end of turkey season. Seems like the season just started, and now it's over. I have to say, we had a great season though. There sure were a lot of highlights to the season which should make for an awesome video.

As always, I have to thank God for allowing all of us to enjoy the great outdoors with our families and friends. It's just amazing to me how chasing a bird around the woods can be so enjoyable.

My brother Brian and I actually got to hunt together, which is a rare occasion for us. We didn't shoot anything, but it was one of the best days turkey hunting I had all year. We both have families and many responsibilities and the miles that we live apart prevents us from hunting together much, so to be able to spend a day hunting with my brother is a memory that will last a lifetime. Thanks big brother!

Of course, Dave survived another year hunting with me, and I'm here to tell ya, that ain't easy! We had some great hunts and laughed our rears off like we always do. We pick on each other all season just like we're brothers................which we probably are and just don't know it!

My oldest boy Kurtis didn't get one this year because of his baseball schedule. When you're the starting shortstop and the #3 batter on the team, the coach doesn't want you to miss ANY games or practices. We'll just hit it even harder next year! He's got plenty of time to hunt, but a very short window to play baseball. My youngest boy Austin got his on a pretty quick hunt in Kentucky, now all he wants to do is fish! Guess I'm ready for the fishing too!

Anyway, I could talk about all of the hunts, but you'll see them on the video.

I'm just glad I'm still healthy enough to be able to chase those turkeys with my family and friends. There is nothing quite like sitting in the woods on a cool spring day, listening to all of the birds and observing all of the trees coming to life. Then suddenly, in the distance, a lone gobble snaps you back into hunter mode, and the chase begins. I really feel sorry for those folks who don't get to experience the things I experience in the turkey woods.

God is great, and he continues to bless all of us more than we deserve.

Time to bring the bow out and put the hurtin on some carp!

.........I reluctantly say good bye to the 2011 turkey season. It's been great!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Hunt

Started out Sunday morning with a heavy fog and rain drops dripping from the trees. With Brian as my guide we headed out at 5:30am and arrived in the woods around 6:00am and just sat and listening for the birds to gobble on roost. We heard one off in the distance and started working the bird and working our way toward the bird. The bird did not co operate very well. We moved and set up this bird 3 different times but with no luck the bird just shut up and that game was over. Brian knew another spot and we re located and started listening for more birds. We heard a good bird and set up and started calling to him. He would answer every now and then. Brian decided to try and move a little closer. We made our move and the bird started responding a little better so we set up yet another time and thought the bird was heading our way but got hung up and the edge of creek. Brian tried to work the bird and convince him to cross the creek but he was just to stubborn. Brian decided to make a move and go around the ridge to the other side if the creek. We made to the other side and started calling to him and he started responding so we set up in one spot and just waited on him for about 40 minutes and he just got hung up so Brian decided to move a little closer. We moved about 50 yards and started calling again and the bird responded and he started moving closer. We set there for about 45 minutes with the bird answering to Brian's slate call just about every time. The bird sounded as though he was moving closer but then he would sound as though he was farther away. He kept this up for about 30 minutes and then he just went tight lipped. By this time it was getting close to 11:00am and we both had places to be on Mother's Day. I would like to thank Brian for having the patience to take a rookie who is not a kid and out of shape. Those big hills will kill a big guy if you don't take your time. Thanks to the good Lord for letting us have such a wonderful day. I'm going to keep trying and I might just get lucky.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hunting with big brother

The 330 a.m. alarm came awful early.....but I was excited to get going. I was heading south to Crawford county to hunt with my older brother Mark on his 160 acres of God's country. He manages his property well for deer and turkey and the work is paying off. He has been watching a clover food plot and the turkeys are out there everyday. So to me it was obvious.......pop up a blind on the edge and wait em out. We only heard one tom gobble at day light and he was way across a valley with some hens for company. So we waited and called every now and then. Soon we heard another gobble from a different direction, then soon another, then another! I lost count, but I'm sure there were a least 8 gobblers in the valley behind us!! It wasn't long and the 1st turkey was in the food plot. It was a jake. Not long after he left we had a longbeard strutting to the decoys, but at 70 yards he saw something he didn't like and went back in the woods behind the blind. He must have walked 10 feet from the blind behind us! Soon after that we had two more gobbling and closing in to the food plot. Between Mark on his old box call and me on the mouth calls we soon had them both strutting in to the decoys. and at 17 yards Mark leveled off and slammed his 2011 turkey! I got some really good footage. Mark was fired up and I was too! While we were taking pictures we had three more longbeards cross the food plot! What a great place he has down there. It has been a long time since Ive got to hunt with my big brother and really enjoyed the whole day. He was the one that really got me into hunting. He would take me along before I could drive and I have never forgot that. Thanks brother. His bird was 22 1/2 lbs. and had 23 mm spurs.

Drakes 2011 Turkey

Heres a couple pictures of Drakes turkey taken on Easter Sunday. 23 lbs, 42mm spurs! I think he's hooked!!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 4 Turkey Slam

The day started out great...NO rain!!! I meet Hubey at 5:15AM in the parking lot where we start every hunt we go on. This is the first day we get to hunt together this year....and I get to hunt first! We get out to location and we listen for HAMMERHEADS. The wind is blowing MACH 90 and of course, we can't here a thing. Wind and rain don't mix with turkey huntn. But we've done our scouting so we step in the woods a little and wait........BANG one hammers and he is right on us. We set up call him in to 25 yards and were done!!! Back in town for my daughters ballgame at 10:00! Days like that don't come around very often but when they do you got to THANK THE GOOD LORD! Now we got it on video and I think its are best one yet!! Hubey got it all, so I can be on our video's too .

Huntn big woods not fields (Glenn) is tough.
Were out there fightn all the element's.

To all you fellow hunters "stay after it"