Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another Turkey season in the books!

Well, here we are again, officially putting a stamp on the 2012 Indiana turkey season. We all had an unbelieveable season. I couldn't be more thankful for the time I get to spend in pursuit of wild turkeys. It's my favorite time of the year. I am so grateful that I get to share my passion for the outdoors with my 2 boys. They both got turkeys this year, and that was my goal. I am also grateful that I get to spend time chasing turkeys with my brother, my buddy Dave, and all of the other people we take each year. We always have a lot more fun then should be allowed!

It was great for me to see all of the people taking their kids this year. It seems that every year more people I know are getting their kids into this great sport of hunting. I am so glad to see that. The future of hunting depends on it!

Things will be getting busy for me as I try to finish up my college degree this year. I've got boys in baseball, school, work, and a "honey-do" list a mile long, so I will be busy for quite some time. (Gotta fill the time between seasons)!

It's been a great season, and I hate that it's over already. It seems like yesterday that Kurtis and I were set-up on opening morning of the youth hunt, watching a big old tom slowly make his way to the decoys. That's what it's all about, making lasting memories with your family and friends.

Congratulations to everyone that was successful this year. For those that didn't bag a bird this year, remember that the great memories made in the field don't always have to end with the tagging of a bird. .........and, there's always next year!

God willing, I'll be out there next year trying to outsmart some of them wiley old longbeards.
............So, I say goodbye to another turkey season. Thank you God for watching over all of us and keeping us safe. Thank you for allowing us to spend this time together doing what we love....................... and thank you for Wild Turkeys. The world just wouldn't be the same without them.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Nick Snider's First Turkey!!

 First I would like to thank Kent Gingerich and Brian Huber for taking me on an awesome hunt. We started off the morning working on what ended up being 2 birds from a spot that Brian had been hearing them. After getting set up in what looked like a perfect spot, Brian got the toms hammering back at his calls for what seemed like an eternity. They just wouldn't break and come in to us. So we tried moving downhill to where we thought we were hearing them in better hopes to call them in. After working these birds for a few hours it was pretty certain they weren't going to cooperate so Brian and Kent suggest we try another spot where they have heard birds. On our way to that spot we hit a stroke of luck when 2 long beards race across the road in front of us. After a very short discussion, and what Brian called "MRI" (most recent information) we decide to back up about a quarter mile and head in after them. We get in the woods about 20 yards and Brian lets out a yelp and the toms hammer right back. We get set up once again to try and fool these old birds into our set. After about 20 minutes it was apparent these birds didn't want to cooperate either, so Brian suggests we try and move on them. We ease our way through the woods about 60 more yards before settling in again to work these birds. They just wouldn't budge!! Brian and Kent talk it over and decide it's all or nothing and we creep to within 35 yards of these toms!! When we got into our final setup I was shaking like a leaf. It sounded like the birds were within 5 yards of us!! After some brilliant "hen talk" from Brian these toms finally come within 5 yards of our decoy in full strut!! I could barely shoulder my gun to get a bead on them because of how excited I was. It seemed like hours before I could get that perfect kill shot I was waiting on. Whenever I pulled the trigger all I seen was feathers fly and Brian said you got him!! It was my first turkey and definitely one I will never forget!! Thanks again guys for an awesome hunt!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

5TH Day of Hammerhead Season

If you count youth season it would be my 7TH day of guiding and killing hammerheads on video.  Now it was my turn to pack the gun instead of packing the camera.  Some good friends and I were camping and when we set up the hunting parties for the day, Brian was going to be my guide and camera man.  So we went back to a spot where I had heard turkeys the day before and sure enough we started the morning off with 3 toms hammering.  When we went to make our move, Brian pointed at this mountain of a hill and said we're going to the top. We set up about three quarters of the way up in some open woods. It wasn't long before we had a big O strutter on his way to the hen decoy just 20 yards from me. That dude came in to 24 yards in full strut most of the way and when me and the camera man got on the same page, I let him have it!  It sure is fun to be guided and filmed but its also fun to set back and do nothing but squeeze the trigger!! Thanks again Brian for calling and filming. My hunt was one I won't forget!   

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2nd chance longbeard

  I wanna start this blog by thanking all the landowners who let us hunt their farms. The farms are awesome!! Ok, let me start off by saying that I will never make fun of anybody for missing a turkey because it happened to me this year!! It's almost as bad as making a bad shot on a deer with a bow. I was sick and very upset with myself  ( just ask Glenn, he will tell ya). 2nd morning of the season found Glenn and myself in the blind on the edge of a field. We had a little cut to our left that I'd seen birds in numerous times coming home from work. I called 10-12 times throughout the morning with no answers. Finally at 8:00 I turned and looked in the cut and saw a longbeard standing at the edge of the field. He gobbled 2 times and headed to the woods behind us. I opened the back window and here he came, perfect shot!!!WRONG! Didn't see a tree about as big as a shovel handle, blew it all over the woods. That's all i got to say about that hunt. April 29 found Glenn and myself back to where he hunted opening day. Remember the 2 birds he talked about, gobble and strut and going the other way with not a hen in sight. (never understood what there thinking) Ok, Glenn suggested we put the blind up out of the field and in the woods along the fence in the same spot where had seen these birds feeding many times in the past. I was all for it, they really wasn't responding to any calls on opening day. We got in the blind with plenty time until daylight. Had 2 toms gobbling very little on the roost so i decided not to call but just a couple times and he answered  l time so i just shut up for awhile. In the meantime we had 4 hens working their way towards us so we thought he would be right behind them. This bird had other plans. I'm with Glenn, I think he was still on the roost. He gobbled maybe 3 more times on his own but was headed right towards us!!! Finally we saw him at the same time at 15 yards. A few soft yelps to get his head up and it was a done deal. 25 lbs, 11 inch beard, 29mm spurs. Congrats to all the BAREBONES crew on their birds. It's been a great season so far. God bless to all.

Brian Eagans Slob Knobbler

 Story told by Crew member Brian Eagan:

I roosted this bird on top of a ridge on Crane base the night before opening day.  When I got back to the lodge we were staying at on Base I told Brian (Hubie) Huber where I located the bird, he was familiar with this area and told us that the in recent years the birds liked to travel down a certain finger off of this ridge.  I took his advice the next morning and took a chance on it....it worked like a charm!!! The bird hit the ground coming my way, closing fast when all of a sudden a hen started cutting back & it seemed like eternity went by of nothing but silence, either the hen dragged him off the other direction or he would be here anytime!!  A couple of more sweet yelps and he FIRED his gobble directly in front of me within 30 yards in sight...I was ready to pull the trigger but I had no shot due to trees in the way...this went on 3-4 times...the bird ended up at 9-10 yards before I had a good clear shot, then I pulled the trigger!!  The hen was within 5-7 yards directly in front of me!! One of the best hunts I have ever been on!!  Thanks to God.  And to Hubie for getting me started on turkey hunting!!  It don't getting any better than this, life is good!!

Big Fat Gobbler

 The day started off to be one of those windy mornings that drives you crazy as a turkey hunter. It’s so hard to hear birds and for the birds to hear you when it’s so windy. But I gave it a try anyway. A bunch of us guys were staying at a bunkhouse on the lake and making a weekend out of chasing birds. Drake, my 10 year old, was done but was following along with me just to watch. He really loves to turkey hunt and is getting better on his calling by the day. After not hearing anything early I decided to go to where I had roosted one the night before. Well, we heard him but after a few gobbles and hearing a hen in is direction he went quite. I waited for a while but he didn’t show. So it was about 11:00 and we hadn’t heard any more birds when finally we got one located. When we heard this one he was gobbling on his own. We formulated a plan and in less than 15 minutes Drake and I were set up and the big boy was on his way in. This one came in just like their supposed to. It was an awesome site to see this big gobbler strutting and gobbling in the Indiana hardwoods. When he was around 30 yards and wide open I squeezed the trigger and the 2 ounce load of #4s leveled him. Drake and I were fired up! Another great hunt. This one wasn’t on video because it started raining as we were leaving the truck to go after him. But that’s ok, we have plenty on video this year. Some of them with some really great footage. The rest of the guys have really stepped it up this year and our video should be the best one yet. Thanks to God for another great day in the spring turkey woods.