Monday, October 31, 2011

Latest news from the field 10/31/11

Well, saw some bucks and many does this weekend. No shooters. Weather has been great for deer hunting. Problem we're seeing is that the overall deer numbers are way down. Everybody we've talked to are seeing less deer now than a few years ago. Not going to get into a big discussion again about regulations, but the Indiana DNR is doing an absolute horrible job managing the deer herd. Enough said about that. (If anybody wants me to go into detail, just ask, but be prepared for an ear full)!

Dave shot a doe on October 21st. He was off work, and I had to work, so he didn't have a cameraman. Said he passed a 120" eight pointer. He had a great morning.

I've got a lot of days off coming up and the weather is supposed to be good for hunting. We've been limited on our hunting spots and we plan to spend some money on some hunt leases next year. It's really a shame that hunting has become a rich mans sport. (Again, if you want me to go into detail about this, just ask)! Ha ha.

Good luck to everyone. It's October 31st, time for the rut!!!

Remember to respect the game that you hunt, and to praise God for your time afield.


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