Monday, December 5, 2011

Black Friday Big Buck

 The morning of November 25th I finally picked the right tree on the right morning! This season has been one of the toughest seasons for me to even get a chance at a shooter buck. More south winds than I can ever recall during bow season. And more windy days too. I know for sure that our deer population is down and still on the decline due mainly to the over harvest of does. There were several days with no deer sightings at all. Deer sign in general is mostly sparse with small concentrations in certain areas. Its in one of those areas that I shot this big buck. I have hunted the area a lot in years past and I decided to scout it a week or so prior the 25th. When I got back to the truck I had seen over 10 does and 5 bucks! I had finally found an area worth spending some more time in. Kent and I took turns as cameraman in this area a couple times with one close encounter with a good ten pointer that we almost got a shot at. It was my turn on the 25th and once again we had a south wind. I only had one stand location for a south wind so in we went. Only this time it was a calm cold morning with a good frost . I looked up at Kent after we settled in with our climbers and said " I'm gonna kill a big buck today". Little did I know about a couple hours later that statement would come true. At about 8:50 am a doe snapped me to attention as she came running toward our tree with a big buck following by 40 yards or so. She stopped 15 yards from my tree and the big boy stopped at about 35 yards....I was already at full draw as Kent gave me the OK. But  I thought the buck would come to the doe so I let down my Matthews and waited to see his next move. I didn't really want to take that long of a shot. But then he turned back to his back trail, I'm not sure if he smelled where we walked in or if he was defending his doe from the smaller bucks that were trailing. So back to full draw I came. And at 38 yards my arrow found its mark. The buck crashed off and a little later I was standing over one of the bigger bucks Ive shot. I rough scored him at around 151" gross. He is a nine pointer with over 12" G2s! He field dressed 188 lbs. Truly a trophy buck that I am very thankful to have even got a chance at. Thanks to Kent for doing a great job on the camera. It should make a great hunt for the next video.