Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bring on Deer Season!

Just like Dave said, we've been doing a lot to get ready for the upcoming season. We really struggled last year after losing most of our hunting ground. Some of the property sold, and some of our past "friends" decided that a little money and the possibility of a little fame was more important than friendship, so we gave up our opportunity to hunt those places also. God, family and friends are whats most important to us. We don't just say it, we LIVE it! Dave and I have been hunting together for more years than I care to count. We're like brothers. Thats the sort of people you'll see in our videos. (Some of us actually ARE brothers)! We're certainly not to worried about fame and fortune. We film our hunts because we love hunting and we wanted to share our adventures with everyone. Sure, we would all like to hunt for a living, but for now, were content with what we're doing. Things are happening really fast, and I see nothing but success in our future! Our videos are getting better every year, our editing knowledge is getting better every year, and we're having a blast!
Now, lets talk about hunting ethics. If there's one thing we pride ourselves on here at BareBones Outdoors, its obeying ALL of the game laws ALL of the time! I would never break the law just to fill a tag. Unfortunately, there are some of those that break game laws every year, and let me tell ya, it's not worth it, and I couldn't do it! Now, I don't always agree with many of our game laws here in Indiana, but I assure you all of us follow those laws no matter what. (Way too many does being killed, basically no antler restrictions, and having the gun season come in during the peak of the rut, are just a few of the game laws I don't agree with)!
Dave and I are trying to make more of a commitment this year to filming. Last year was tough, but that's no excuse to split up and stop filming. For those of you who haven't tried filming, just imagine giving up at least half of your time hunting. I love filming, and I'm certainly not complaining. The more I film, the more I enjoy it. It means just as much to me to get good footage of a kill as it does to pull the trigger. It gets in your blood!
We do have a few new places to hunt this year, and we are always on the lookout for more. We are going to be doing a lot more public land hunting, which means a lot of walking, which means this fat boy needs to lose some weight! I'm more excited this year than I've been in the last 10 years. We have so many good opportunities with new places to hunt this year. Like always, God has blessed us more than we deserve.
I would like to thank Kent for inviting us up to his house. Kent has been stuck doing all of the editing because my computer is down and so is Brians. Kent has done a great job, and I think everybody is going to love the new deer video. Brother Brian was at a Chicago Cubs game, and I do believe they won, so Sharon should be happy!
Anyway, we haven't posted in a while, so I thought a little update was in order.

Keep shootin them bows, 'cause the season is just around the corner!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


We'll it's that time of year for bowhunters all across indiana to start gettin ready for the season.Here at barebones outdoors ,we have already started.Glenn and myself have been puttin out food plots every where there is a semi clean area.We found a couple new spots to hunt that we can do what we want on them.Were gettin some decent bucks on trail cams plus seein some late in the evenings,so its looking better than last year already.So,with that said,good luck to everybody.Hope to post some good news in coming months.Oh by the way ,Brian how was the cubs game?We had a great time editing at Kents house!!!!!lol